partner, Creative Director, Multi-Disciplinary Designer

I have been operating niche marketing agencies for the last seven years. 2 years into my initial agency, I transitioned my offering into the solar niche in order to streamline fulfillment and systemize the business on whole. After working with clients for a few years, I realized it wasn't my true calling, and shifted back to what I enjoy most, working alongside future obsessed start-ups to develop beautiful brands & inherently unique web experiences.This is where I currently engage clients around AI-accelerated brand, web and customer acquisition strategies while simultaneously managing a portfolio of internal projects.


I get supercharged by a passion filled mission. Throughout my journey, a few ideas have chosen me. I am currently incubating a portfolio of (ai-assisted) SaaS products aimed at creating different pathways into the future economy. Across the entire portfolio, multi-disciplinary design, community building & gamification will be emphasized, in both marketing & product strategy. More on that to come soon

Nomad, Creator, Artist

My digital nomad journey started when I moved from Toronto, Canada to the west coast in Vancouver. From there, I explored South East Asia, Hong Kong, Europe, and many of the most populous states in America. My creative philosophies have been deeply inspired by the places I have travelled, people I have met, and environments I have been in. As someone that views life & business through a very holistic lens, continuing to immerse myself in new environments is a project in itself that I hold of deep importance.

Resiliency Advocate

Resiliency is a necessary trait when it comes to building anything sustaining. The same lens that I view my life through is also the one which I view my business. Having dealt with some serious injuries, illnesses, and near death experiences in my lifetime, I have always viewed adversity as a natural force of growth when it comes to maximizing spiritual toughness. All of my organizations are focused on giving back to charitable causes that aim to elevate mental wellness and thriving. That's what my platform is all about in the end. Embracing ones true nature while elevating impact through great design, great people, great products, and unorthodox ideas.

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